Load Libraries and Data

## Load libraries

## Load functions

## Load data on study information
studyData <- read.csv("data//StudyData.csv", stringsAsFactors = F)

## load all data on grazing and merge with simplified datasets
data <- read.csv("data//grazingData.csv", stringsAsFactors = F)
est <- read.csv("data//simpleCategories//estimateCategories.csv", stringsAsFactors = F)
graze <- read.csv("data//simpleCategories//grazingCategories.csv", stringsAsFactors = F)
data <- merge(data, est, by="Estimate", stringsAsFactors = F)
data <- merge(data, graze, by="grazing.estimate", stringsAsFactors = F)

A distribution of where the studies took place

## Remove sites without lat lon
gps <- studyData %>% filter(Latitude != "")

### Split multiple GPS coordinates for the same site
gpsSplit <- gps %>%   transform(Longitude = strsplit(Longitude, ";")) %>%   transform(Latitude = strsplit(Latitude, ";"))  %>%   unnest(Longitude, Latitude) %>% ## unnest lat/lon 
  mutate(Latitude = as.numeric(Latitude), Longitude=as.numeric(Longitude))

###  Start with base map of world
mp <- NULL
mapWorld <- borders("world", colour="white", fill="gray75") # create a layer of borders
mp <- ggplot() + theme_classic()+  mapWorld + xlim(-180,180)

mp <- mp+ geom_point(data=gpsSplit %>%  filter(Grazer.status != "") , aes(x=Longitude, y=Latitude, fill=Grazer.status), size=3, pch=21) + scale_fill_manual(values=c("#D55E00", "#009E73", "#56B4E9","grey50")) + ylab("Latitude") + xlab("Longitude") 

Visualize patterns among studies

## Replicates
##  [1] "UniqueID"                "Title"                  
##  [3] "Authors"                 "Source.title"           
##  [5] "Publication.year"        "Grazer.species"         
##  [7] "Grazer.status"           "Last.grazing.event"     
##  [9] "Study.duration"          "Latitude"               
## [11] "Longitude"               "Elevation"              
## [13] "Country"                 "N.sites"                
## [15] "Survey.technique"        "Wild.grazer.species"    
## [17] "Domestic.grazer.species" "Plant.community"        
## [19] "Ecosystem.class"         "Fenced"                 
## [21] "Tilled"                  "Herbivores"             
## [23] "Fertilization"           "Fire"                   
## [25] "Ownership"               "Year.initiated"         
## [27] "Year.finished"
plot1 <- ggplot(studyData, aes(x = as.numeric(N.sites))) + geom_histogram(fill="Grey50", bins=10) + theme_Publication() + xlab("Number of sites") + ylab("Frequency of studies") + scale_x_continuous(trans =  "log2")

plot2 <- ggplot(studyData, aes(x = as.numeric(Study.duration))) + geom_histogram(fill="Grey50",bins=10) + theme_Publication() + xlab("Duration of study in years") + ylab("Frequency of studies")+ scale_x_continuous(trans =  "log2")

gridExtra::grid.arrange(plot1, plot2, ncol=2)

# studyData$n.sites <- as.numeric(studyData$n.sites)
# nstudies <- function(x){
# nfilt <- studyData %>% filter(study.duration > x) %>%  nrow()
# return(as.vector(nfilt))
# }
# studiesSites <- unlist(sapply(1:30, nstudies))
# studiesYears <- unlist(sapply(1:30, nstudies))
# studiesList <- data.frame(rep=c(1:30,1:30), type= c(rep("years",30),rep("sites",30)), nstudies = c(studiesYears, studiesSites))
# ggplot(studiesList, aes(x=rep, y=nstudies, color=type)) +geom_point()

Pattern among Vegetation Classes

## Split by semi-colon
unnestVeg <- studyData %>%   unnest(Ecosystem.class = strsplit(Ecosystem.class, ";"))
## Summarize by each class
VegClass <- unnestVeg %>% group_by(Ecosystem.class) %>% summarize(n=length(Ecosystem.class)) %>% filter(!is.na(Ecosystem.class))

## Capitalize the names of each
VegClass[,"capitalVegClass"] <- str_to_title(VegClass$Ecosystem.class)

ggplot(VegClass, aes(x=capitalVegClass, y=n)) + geom_bar(stat="identity") + theme_Publication() + xlab("") + ylab("Number of studies") + coord_flip()

Most common grazers

## Split by semi-colon
unnestGraze <- studyData %>%   unnest(Herbivores = strsplit(Herbivores, ";"))
## Summarize by each class
herbsum <- unnestGraze %>% group_by(Herbivores) %>% summarize(n=length(Herbivores)) %>% filter(!is.na(Herbivores)) 

## Simplified name
herbSimple <- read.csv("data//simpleCategories//herbsum.csv") %>% select(-n)
herbsum <- merge(herbsum, herbSimple) %>% group_by(simpleHerbivoreName) %>% summarize(n=sum(n)) 

topherb <- herbsum %>% top_n(20) %>% arrange(-n) ## select 10 most commonly surveyed
## # A tibble: 21 x 2
##    simpleHerbivoreName     n
##    <fct>               <int>
##  1 cattle                165
##  2 sheep                  84
##  3 rodents                43
##  4 insects                42
##  5 deer                   35
##  6 lagomorphs             32
##  7 horses                 28
##  8 antelopes              26
##  9 voles                  22
## 10 goats                  21
## # ... with 11 more rows
## Capitalize the names of each
topherb[,"simpleHerbivoreName"] <- str_to_title(topherb$simpleHerbivoreName)

ggplot(topherb, aes(x=reorder(simpleHerbivoreName, -n), y=n)) + geom_bar(stat="identity") + theme_Publication() + xlab("") + ylab("Number of studies") + coord_flip()

Summary statistics of other categories

studyData %>% group_by(Fenced) %>% summarize(n=length(UniqueID))
## # A tibble: 4 x 2
##   Fenced            n
##   <chr>         <int>
## 1 ""              214
## 2 "fenced"         12
## 3 "open"           18
## 4 "open;fenced"     1
studyData %>% group_by(Tilled) %>% summarize(n=length(UniqueID))
## # A tibble: 3 x 2
##   Tilled     n
##   <chr>  <int>
## 1 ""       170
## 2 "LA"      71
## 3 "T"        4
studyData %>% group_by(Fire) %>% summarize(n=length(UniqueID))
## # A tibble: 3 x 2
##   Fire      n
##   <chr> <int>
## 1 ""      217
## 2 "no"      2
## 3 "yes"    26
studyData %>% group_by(Fertilization) %>% summarize(n=length(UniqueID))
## # A tibble: 4 x 2
##   Fertilization     n
##   <chr>         <int>
## 1 ""              228
## 2 "no"              8
## 3 "yes"             6
## 4 "yes;no"          3

Comparisons of binary variables

## Load packages and functions

## Reference data
meta <- data

## Create Unique identifier column
meta[,"UniqueSite"] <- paste(meta$UniqueID, meta$Higher.taxa, meta$Taxa, meta$Estimate, meta$SiteID, sep="-")

## convert se to sd
meta[meta$Stat=="StDev","Value"] <- meta[meta$Stat=="StDev","Value"] / sqrt(as.numeric(meta[meta$Stat=="StDev","replicate"] ))
meta[meta$Stat=="StDev","Stat"] <- "SE"

## drop comparisons that are not pairwise
meta <-  meta %>% filter(grazing.compare  == "ordinal/binary")

## Use function to extract summary statistics for comparisons
## meta.eval  arguments are (meta.data, compare, ids , stats)
grazed.compare <- meta.eval(meta, grazing.level, UniqueSite, Stat)

## Combine the lists into same dataframe
## Rename Columns in second dataframe
grazed.stat <- grazed.compare [[2]] ## extracted statistics 
names(grazed.stat) <- c("UniqueSite","grazed_mean","grazed_se","ungrazed_mean","ungrazed_se","grazed_n","ungrazed_n") ## rename columns to match
grazed.raw <- grazed.compare[[1]] ## calculated statistics from raw values
##                                             UniqueSite extensive_mean
## 1                       --Annelida-percent occurrence-              0
## 2                           --Arthropoda-biomass (mg)-              0
## 3                      --Arthropoda-consumption/kg ha-              0
## 4      --Arthropoda-Density of total Collembla (#/m2)-              0
## 5                             --Arthropoda-density/m2-              0
## 6                       --Arthropoda-grasshopper days-              0
## 7       --Arthropoda-grasshopper days for all species-              0
## 8                     --Arthropoda-percent occurrence-              0
## 9                          --Aves-number of territory-            463
## 10                       --Mammalia-juvenile survival-              0
## 11                        --Mammalia-mean pregnancies-              0
## 12                --Mammalia-n caught/400 trap nights-              0
## 13                 --Mammalia-Shannon Diversity Index-              0
## 14                         --Mammalia-summer survival-              0
## 15                         --Mammalia-winter survival-              0
## 16                 --Microbes-Number of species soil -              0
## 17 --Microbes-Number of species vegetation and litter-              0
## 18                               --Mollusca-abundance-              0
## 19                      --Mollusca-percent occurrence-              0
## 20                      --Nematoda-percent occurrence-              0
## 21               --Plantae-Visual obstruction (score)-              0
##    grazed_mean intensive_mean non-grazed_mean rotational_mean season-long_mean
## 1   50.0000000              0        0.000000          0.0000           0.0000
## 2    6.9973796              0        0.000000          0.0000           0.0000
## 3    0.0000000              0        0.000000         46.1800         208.6200
## 4   89.5855009              0        0.000000          0.0000           0.0000
## 5    0.0000000              0        0.000000          3.0000          12.8600
## 6    0.0000000              0        0.000000         22.7258         100.6642
## 7    0.0000000              0        0.000000       1044.5834        1334.5832
## 8   17.0976331              0        0.000000          0.0000           0.0000
## 9    0.0000000            285        0.000000          0.0000           0.0000
## 10   1.6618497              0        0.000000          0.0000           0.0000
## 11   8.7829739              0        0.000000          0.0000           0.0000
## 12   4.0714286              0        0.000000          0.0000           0.0000
## 13   0.9125000              0        0.000000          0.0000           0.0000
## 14   0.7011952              0        0.000000          0.0000           0.0000
## 15   0.8120000              0        0.000000          0.0000           0.0000
## 16   5.8243801              0        0.000000          0.0000           0.0000
## 17   7.4950690              0        0.000000          0.0000           0.0000
## 18  83.0000000              0        0.000000          0.0000           0.0000
## 19  39.2631579              0        0.000000          0.0000           0.0000
## 20  65.7500000              0        0.000000          0.0000           0.0000
## 21   0.0000000              0        1.354839          0.0000           0.0000
##    ungrazed_mean extensive_se   grazed_se intensive_se non-grazed_se
## 1     50.0000000            0 18.08807816            0             0
## 2     13.6700301            0  1.74490614            0             0
## 3      0.0000000            0  0.00000000            0             0
## 4     35.2418464            0 30.38197552            0             0
## 5      0.0000000            0  0.00000000            0             0
## 6      0.0000000            0  0.00000000            0             0
## 7      0.0000000            0  0.00000000            0             0
## 8     22.3452381            0  1.34418703            0             0
## 9      0.0000000            1  0.00000000            1             0
## 10     0.9682081            0  0.67919075            0             0
## 11     4.3769803            0  5.68384365            0             0
## 12     4.8571429            0  1.36851266            0             0
## 13     0.8200000            0  0.09629598            0             0
## 14     0.7270916            0  0.13147410            0             0
## 15     0.8460000            0  0.04800000            0             0
## 16     6.2045349            0  0.56896033            0             0
## 17     9.1814596            0  0.71302071            0             0
## 18   171.0000000            0  0.00000000            0             0
## 19    33.4000000            0  9.28806129            0             0
## 20    63.0000000            0  6.38194067            0             0
## 21     0.0000000            0  0.00000000            0             1
##    rotational_se season-long_se ungrazed_se extensive_n grazed_n intensive_n
## 1      0.0000000       0.000000 50.00000000           0        8           0
## 2      0.0000000       0.000000  1.85140894           0      191           0
## 3     10.8420662      77.029017  0.00000000           0        0           0
## 4      0.0000000       0.000000 12.90353196           0       65           0
## 5      0.7204165       4.233155  0.00000000           0        0           0
## 6      6.1950138      25.183664  0.00000000           0        0           0
## 7    334.0559528     258.889798  0.00000000           0        0           0
## 8      0.0000000       0.000000  3.02312250           0      338           0
## 9      0.0000000       0.000000  0.00000000           1        0           1
## 10     0.0000000       0.000000  0.70809249           0        2           0
## 11     0.0000000       0.000000  2.17177548           0        4           0
## 12     0.0000000       0.000000  2.46927747           0       28           0
## 13     0.0000000       0.000000  0.16000000           0        4           0
## 14     0.0000000       0.000000  0.02988048           0        2           0
## 15     0.0000000       0.000000  0.01800000           0        2           0
## 16     0.0000000       0.000000  0.52200932           0       13           0
## 17     0.0000000       0.000000  0.88888792           0       13           0
## 18     0.0000000       0.000000  0.00000000           0        3           0
## 19     0.0000000       0.000000 20.50268275           0       19           0
## 20     0.0000000       0.000000  1.00000000           0        4           0
## 21     0.0000000       0.000000  0.00000000           0        0           0
##    non-grazed_n rotational_n season-long_n ungrazed_n
## 1             0            0             0          2
## 2             0            0             0        191
## 3             0            5             5          0
## 4             0            0             0         65
## 5             0            5             5          0
## 6             0           30            30          0
## 7             0           10            10          0
## 8             0            0             0         84
## 9             0            0             0          0
## 10            0            0             0          2
## 11            0            0             0          4
## 12            0            0             0         14
## 13            0            0             0          2
## 14            0            0             0          2
## 15            0            0             0          2
## 16            0            0             0         13
## 17            0            0             0         13
## 18            0            0             0          3
## 19            0            0             0          5
## 20            0            0             0          1
## 21            1            0             0          0

Which countries were most examined

gpsSplit[,"countries"] <- map.where(x = gpsSplit$Longitude, y = gpsSplit$Latitude)

## Number of unique countries
gpsSplit %>% filter(!is.na(countries)) %>% summarize(n=length(unique(countries)))
## # A tibble: 1 x 1
##       n
##   <int>
## 1    41